Thursday, March 23, 2006

I've had a lot of interest about the Baghira Desktop Theme that I have been using in Linux lately. They have improved Baghira quite a bit since the project was started. Here is a screenshot I took last year of my desktopMy Desktop: Baghira 0.6 QT theme and AquaExtremeSunken GTK theme. Here is my current desktopMy Desktop: Baghira 0.7 QT theme and GNUaquaSE GTK themerunning the latest version of Baghira. And here is my my desktop in actionMy Desktop: Baghira 0.7 QT theme and GNUaquaSE GTK theme. If you would like more information on how to make your linux desktop look like MacOSX, visit the official Baghira project website.


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